Monday, 6 August 2012

Farewell to Copenhagen!

The last couple weeks that we spent in Copenhagen were a whirlwind.  Between trying to see a few sights, completing our final projects, and our many social commitments, there was a lot to fit in!  One of the first exciting things to report was that summer finally started in Copenhagen! The sunny and 20+degree weather was perfect for enjoying the city.

Through the social program offered by CBS, we were able to get a tour of the Carlsberg factory.  The tour turned out to be mostly about the history of the family who started the brewery rather than the brewing operations.  Either way, our tour guide was excellent, and a few ice-cold pints of beer were waiting for us at the end of the tour.  No complaints.

During the end of our visit, Rose’s mom was in town, so lots of sightseeing was done.  Tivoli garden visits, hiking to the top of the marble church, and a tour of Rosenberg Castle were all crossed of the tourist ‘to-do’ list.  In the meantime, Sydney took in a Copenhagen FC game, and toured some of the beach areas of Copenhagen by bike.
Copenhagen FC

hotel near Orestad

After having such a fun and social week, we decided that we had procrastinated with our final projects long enough.  We went off to the CBS library, and started writing.  After 30 pages of writing respectively, and ensuring our papers met the VERY SPECIFIC formatting guidelines, we submitted our papers to the international office.  We realized that with handing in our papers that this signified that we had completed not only our summer program at CBS, but also grad school.  An enthusiastic high-five and victory beer followed this realization.

working diligently at the CBS library

The last couple of days in the city were bittersweet.  Even though both of us were getting pretty excited to start travelling, it was a bit sad to leave some of our new friends.  On the last night, the social program put on a party at a club, Café Park, in downtown Copenhagen.  It was a great night, and perfect way to say goodbye and reminisce with many of the friends that we had made over the summer.  We hope that we get the opportunity to stay and touch and maybe even visit with them again.   

Now it is off to Milano.  We have both taken to speaking with a terrible Italian accent and using exaggerated hand gestures when we speak…I’m sure the Italians will just love this.

Wish you were here,
Rose and Sydney

out for some post studying drinks and food

so happy to be finished school

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